Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome to For-uhm Boredz Too

Greetings fans and newcomers alike, it's time to bust out the pencils and begin putting people's ridiculous behavior on display for all to laugh at.

Many hundreds of posts have past since the inception of For-uhm Boredz: Cartoons Drawn in the Dark. We have gathered a loyal following of readers who are clamoring for more content, and so we've been working on and off for the past few months.

Times change, and people change. Alliances are broken and new ones are made. Life in the world of Internet Social Communities has only a few constants, and who your friends are isn't one of them.

For-uhm Boredz Too: Cartoons Drawn in a Semi-lit Space is the sequel to the very successful Cartoons Drawn in the Dark series. Some of the toons from the original are bound to make an appearance, probably with a make-over reflecting the new storylines emerging for the coming season of forum drama.

Grab your popcorn, ice up that drink and enjoy the warm feeling laughter brings as you follow along with us while we peer into the lives of the fictional characters from the world of For-uhm Boredz.

As usual, comments, suggestions, even your hatemail are all welcome, see you on the boredz.

Bambee Pelous
For-uhm Boredz Creator