Friday, October 12, 2012

Introducing Wallop Phency: Likes Boobs n Beer

Wallop loves the for-uhms. He's on the boredz for a single reason, entertaining himself. He'll enter just about any discussion with fearless bravery (brought about by the many beers). And he'll stay there till the bitter end (or he passes out, whichever happens first). 

Even though he's always into the chaos with both feet, Wallop is the definition of Chaotic Neutral. Never taking sides, but fighting for both sides. He'll open by chastising you and end his comments by hugging you. 

"Let's share some prOn!" is his battlecry, and keep the cold ones coming. Good thing that fence he perches on is sturdy, those ponykegs are going to add some handles to this teeter-totter.