Thursday, October 11, 2012

Introducing Mr. Weetheres: Internet Archivalist

One thing he's not, is uninformed. Mr. Weetheres spends the majority of his worthless existence scouring the boredz and cataloging every piece of information he thinks will be useful in achieving his primary goal...... to start shit.

Very good at playing the misunderstood victim, Mr. Weetheres manipulates and schemes about creating dissension where there previously was none just to watch the fallout. When this blew up in his face, he ran off to a dark corner of Cyberspace where he constructed a walled off fort that only his loyal minions followers are permitted to enter.

Launching half-baked assaults on various social communities with his army of alts, Weetheres and his constituents are poised to give the all-mighty MAC a run for his money.