Wednesday, October 31, 2012

More political cartoons....

Remember to vote November 11th, 2012. And take a friend, or two, or three, hell rent a bus and make a party out of it. Whatever your choice make your voice heard.

Mitt reviews his 5 point plan.....

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Panoromney Photograph

Dusty Attic: Hey Guys. Checking in from the rally. It's a real blast. Sending some pictures I took to Facebinder. Toodles.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Introducing Jelly D: Watch the hair

If you're looking for a wingman who's not afraid to take a grenade for ya, then don't look at Jelly D. He's too busy checking out his abs in the mirror and making sure his hair is frayed just the right way. 

When he does manage to step away from his own reflection, he's a fist pumping, body shot having, well oiled ab machine cruising the scene for a lucky lady he can bring home to wax his chest for him. 

Bottle service and V.I.P. sofas are for the chumps, Jelly D runs that game like Pat Sajak looking to buy a vowel. No whammies for this hunk of burning stud, just don't light a match near his hair. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Introducing Randhum T. Wrole: Misunderstood not Malicious

Randhum T. Wrole is trying to get through his mid-life crisis while he still has hair. Adolescent potty humor coupled with jokes some deem totally inappropriate make up the majority of his charm. 

Randhum's largest flaw is his inability to know just when to stop talking. His own worst enemy, his words aren't malicious as much as they are poorly timed. This fact is usually lost on Randhum in the ensuing aftermath which generally follows. 

Overcome with frustration when people don't 'get it', he'll often end up removed temporarily, and on occasion he's ejected permanently (or until he can register a fresh identity). 

Randhum just wants to be loved. 

Introducing Dusty Attic: Shakin' Her Coconuts

Hula dancing on an island of money trees for Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt where the weather is perfect and the people are beautiful is Dusty Attic's state of mind. . 

She lives in a world where no one is poor, everyone has healthcare, money is falling from the trees, everyone gets a fair shake and no one is ugly. Too bad she can't recall how she got there or maybe we could bring her back where the rest of us live. 

Until that time don't become frustrated by her seemingly unrelenting way of ignoring anything that doesn't fit through the tiny mesh filter surrounding her existence. Some call it her bubble, she calls it reality. 

Introducing Wallop Phency: Likes Boobs n Beer

Wallop loves the for-uhms. He's on the boredz for a single reason, entertaining himself. He'll enter just about any discussion with fearless bravery (brought about by the many beers). And he'll stay there till the bitter end (or he passes out, whichever happens first). 

Even though he's always into the chaos with both feet, Wallop is the definition of Chaotic Neutral. Never taking sides, but fighting for both sides. He'll open by chastising you and end his comments by hugging you. 

"Let's share some prOn!" is his battlecry, and keep the cold ones coming. Good thing that fence he perches on is sturdy, those ponykegs are going to add some handles to this teeter-totter.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Introducing Roolark Dustymuph: Dramaz Connoisseur

At first it might seem like Roolark is an absent party, dropping by once in awhile to wave his superiority in your face. While that might hold some truth, Roolark has simply been around so long, that he only involves himself in the most superior of drama wars. 

When he does decide to enter the foray, he usually leaves the simpletons wondering exactly what the point was of his comment(s). Those more astute readers might accuse him of stoking the fires without holding the poker. 

Refined, intelligent, and never one to be caught in a line-up, Roolark would scoff if challenged about his seemingly aloft comments, and then secretly crush you with his evil eye. 

Introducing Mr. Weetheres: Internet Archivalist

One thing he's not, is uninformed. Mr. Weetheres spends the majority of his worthless existence scouring the boredz and cataloging every piece of information he thinks will be useful in achieving his primary goal...... to start shit.

Very good at playing the misunderstood victim, Mr. Weetheres manipulates and schemes about creating dissension where there previously was none just to watch the fallout. When this blew up in his face, he ran off to a dark corner of Cyberspace where he constructed a walled off fort that only his loyal minions followers are permitted to enter.

Launching half-baked assaults on various social communities with his army of alts, Weetheres and his constituents are poised to give the all-mighty MAC a run for his money.

Welcome to For-uhm Boredz Too

Greetings fans and newcomers alike, it's time to bust out the pencils and begin putting people's ridiculous behavior on display for all to laugh at.

Many hundreds of posts have past since the inception of For-uhm Boredz: Cartoons Drawn in the Dark. We have gathered a loyal following of readers who are clamoring for more content, and so we've been working on and off for the past few months.

Times change, and people change. Alliances are broken and new ones are made. Life in the world of Internet Social Communities has only a few constants, and who your friends are isn't one of them.

For-uhm Boredz Too: Cartoons Drawn in a Semi-lit Space is the sequel to the very successful Cartoons Drawn in the Dark series. Some of the toons from the original are bound to make an appearance, probably with a make-over reflecting the new storylines emerging for the coming season of forum drama.

Grab your popcorn, ice up that drink and enjoy the warm feeling laughter brings as you follow along with us while we peer into the lives of the fictional characters from the world of For-uhm Boredz.

As usual, comments, suggestions, even your hatemail are all welcome, see you on the boredz.

Bambee Pelous
For-uhm Boredz Creator